
Our promise is to be your trusted source in Houston by delivering reliable flight support and an excellent customer value.

Our promise is to be your trusted source in Houston by delivering reliable flight support and an excellent customer value.

Corporate Citizenship Platform

Our company values help us define our sense of corporate citizenship by working with all of our stakeholders including our employees, clients, vendors and suppliers to protect our environment and strengthen our community. We value the talent that each individual employee brings to Gill Aviation and believe that our people are key to keeping us ahead of our competition.

Company Values

Client-Driven, Dignity and Respect, Excellence, Integrity, Reliability and Working Together

We strive to operate in a safe environment which protects our workers, clients, vendors and suppliers. We make the health and safety of our customers and of our employees our top priority. Our goal is to deal ethically with all stakeholder groups at all levels.

We recognize our responsibilities as a good neighbor and a community leader. Gill Aviation invests in the community by proudly supporting the Houston Food Bank through our corporate sponsorship.

We were proud to welcome hundreds of visitors to Houston for The Big Game! Check out our time lapse video below.

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Welcome to David Wayne Hooks Airport:

Project & Construction Updates

David Wayne Hooks Airport is committed to elevating business operations by providing top-tier services, enhancing the airfield, and maintaining a steadfast dedication to its clients. This page will serve as a valuable resource for information on enhancements, projects, and construction updates at David Wayne Hooks Airport.

Scheduled Closures

Runway 17R-35L is anticipated to begin closing in late 2024 from 9 PM to 6 AM, Monday through Friday, for runway edge light installation.
This project is expected to take 8 to 9 months.

• Aug 9, 2024: Open

• Aug 10, 2024: Closed

• Aug 11, 2024: Open

• Aug 12, 2024: Open

• Aug 13, 2024: Open

• Aug 14, 2024: Open

• Aug 15, 2024: Closed

Current Projects

Runway 17R Localizer:

Awaiting a safety functional flight check.

Runway 17L PAPI Installation:

Pending equipment presentation by technical representatives.

FAA Tower Construction:

An engineer has been appointed; completion is expected within 3 years.

Airport Geological Survey:

Assessing the current weight capacity and strength of taxiways and runways.

Airfield Fire Lanes:

Construction and paving of fire lanes in progress.

East Side Flood Control:

Designed to manage floodwaters around the airfield and allow new structures and hangars to be built.

T-Hangar Fire Extinguishers:

Installing fire extinguishers in all T-hangars as part of safety improvements.

Upcoming Projects

  • Airfield Pavement Improvements: Plans will be developed following geological survey findings and recommendations from the airport engineer.
  • Taxiway G Tree Removal: Project aligns with the new tower construction to ensure clear line of sight.
  • Property Redlining: Establishing clear, visible boundaries for taxiway FOD-free zones and wing clearance.
  • Runway 17R-35L Lighting Upgrades: Installing new runway edge, threshold, and end lights, scheduled to begin in September pending permit approval.
  • Active Movement Area Lighting: Coordinated with the Runway 17R-35L lighting upgrade project.
  • Airfield Flood and Drainage Improvements: Enhancing drainage systems throughout the airport.
  • Aerodrome Badging and Carding: Upgrading security with integrated gate cards.

Completed Projects

T-Hangar Exterior Lighting:

Improved lighting for safety and emergency situations.

Taxiway Geological Survey:

Completed as part of the pavement improvement plans; next steps involve engineering solutions for repairs or replacements.